Master Plan Thirteen. The CPK plans action in cooperation with state-owned enterprises
CPK has commenced working on arrangements with a number of enterprises and institutions that will collaborate closely with the CPK on the development of a master plan for a prospective airport which is scheduled to be commenced in the middle of next year.
Representatives of 13 enterprises and institutions were present at today’s meeting held at the Ministry of Infrastructure, arranged by the CPK enterprise: the Civil Aviation Authority (Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego, ULC), Orlen, Lotos Air BP, PERN, Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE), Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE), Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo (PGNiG), Gaz-System, Polska Spółka Gazownictwa (PSG), SIME Polska, General National Roads and the Motorways Authority (Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad, GDDKiA), the ‘Wody Polskie’ State Water Management Authority (Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie) and the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (Instytuti Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej, IMGW).
In the middle of next year, we will commence developing a master plan for both the airport and for the integrated railway station. This occasion will mark the opening of a key stage of preparations which will require closer cooperation with entities such as utility network administrators, regulatory authorities and infrastructure managers
Talks at the meeting touched on subjects such as the survey of the project area scheduled for the coming year, the scope of works to be carried out when laying down the required fuel, power, water supply and other infrastructure as well as the creation of working teams responsible for completing specific tasks related to the development of the ‘master plan’.
To properly plan the CPK project, we require data concerning the existing infrastructure, information about the parameters of distribution networks and any plans forcapital works in the area. This will allow us to correctly plan while developing the ‘master plan’. That’s why we need to start developing close relations with companies who will supply the required resources, fuel and energy for the airport right now
The CPK enterprise is planning to construct the airport in the municipalities of Baranów, Teresin and Wiskitki, which are located between Warsaw and Łódź – Poland’s largest and third-largest city in terms of inhabitants, respectively. The area is used mostly for agriculture and is largely undeveloped.
The airport will be constructed as a greenfield project, enabling us to plan the infrastructure of the CPK from the ground up and ensuring ample space in reserve for future developments. We met with partners who are of key importance to this stage of the project in order to present the plan and methodology of our collaboration, discuss our expectations and find out what information our stakeholders need from us
The ‘master plan’ for the CPK will outline such matters as the concept for the development of the airport over a 20-year perspective (based on detailed estimates of air traffic) and the staging of construction works. The plan will specify infrastructure tailored not only to achieve the objectives of the project but also to meet the needs of future users of the airport, as explained by Małgorzata Popławska, the CPK Planning and Capacity Manager.
According to projections, passengers will be able to reach the centre of Warsaw by train in 15 minutes and Łódź in 25 minutes. The CPK’s estimates indicate that approximately 7,000,000 residents will be in the range of a transportation system that will enable them to reach the CPK in no more than 90 minutes. According to CPK’s prognoses, the capacity of the airport and the transfer hub during the first stage of the project will reach 45,000,000 passengers per year, i.e. approximately 400,000 airline operations (take-offs and landings) per year using two runways.
Arrangements concerning the infrastructural premises of the CPK have been ongoing since mid-April of the current year, when the enterprise first unveiled 125 main components of the hub’s infrastructure, including the prospective layout of runways, taxiways, aprons, terminals (passenger, cargo, and general aviation), a railway station integrated with the passenger terminal, parking lots and internal roads. Over the following few weeks, the enterprise received over 1,000 comments and proposals regarding the infrastructure of the prospective airport in regards to airplane, passenger, baggage and cargo services, technical facilities etc. Since that time, the enterprise has created a 350-page strategic brief of the airport in collaboration with industry partners, which was then made the subject of consultations with over 140 enterprises and institutions.
Air carriers are, at the same time, assessing the visual design of the airport as part of the Airport Consultative Committee (ACC), which was set up in late May by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in collaboration with the CPK. So far, two ACC meetings have taken place in Warsaw – on the 18th of July and 18th of October.
The enterprise is currently finalising the development of the Multi-Year Programme, which will outline CPK-related expenses in the coming years. Plans for the coming months also include choosing a strategic consultant from those among the world’s largest and best airports (in operational terms).