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Japan declares cooperation regarding the Solidarity Transport Hub Poland

During the official visit of the Polish Prime Minister to Tokyo, representatives of the Japanese government assured they are open to cooperate on a strategic Polish project. The next stage of technical dialogue between the STH and Narita airport in Tokyo launches tomorrow as part of the process of selecting a strategic advisor.

Numerous talks on the Solidarity Transport Hub Poland (STH) took place on the occasion of the official visit of Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to Japan,  accompanied by representatives of the STH.

– STH as a strategic investment is fully supported by the Polish government. We are counting on the acquisition of cutting-edge technologies and access to knowledge in the field of organization and management of major projects  in cooperation with Japan. Poland today may be the source of business opportunities for Japan on a scale that is currently unattainable in any other European country –

said Marcin Horała, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Government Plenipotentiary for STH.

Tokyo Narita Airport is one of the most modern transfer ports in the world and became a candidate for the role of strategic advisor to STH. The company is currently conducting talks regarding Narita’s participation in the project. Tomorrow both partners meet in Tokyo as part of second stage of the ongoing technical dialogue. The previous one was held in December in Warsaw.

During a visit to Japan, the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Marcin Horała and president of STH Mikołaj Wild met with the deputy minister of transport of Japan Naoki Fujii and the president of the Narita airport management company Akihiko Tamura. The visit was aimed at potential cooperation in airport investments and support in the design and construction of High Speed Rail in Poland, which are part of the STH project.

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Japan Naoki Fujii assured that his country will cooperate with Poland in implementing the STH.

This is another STH international initiative in recent days. Last week, the Ministry of Infrastructure announced that the European Commission under Structural Reform Support Programme awarded the STH company with PLN 3 million co-financing for cooperation with France. SNCF French Railways which own TGV trains will advise Poland on technical standards of high speed rail.

STH airport and rail investments are part of the government's documents: Strategy for Responsible Development and  Sustainable Transport Strategy until 2030. In April last year, the government adopted an ordinance under which each of the new track sections by which trains will reach the STH and Warsaw were included in the list of railway lines of national importance.

In July last year by decision Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki STH was co-financed by the amount PLN 300 million. The government considered the STH not only as a strategic project for the development of Poland, but also as a high return investment. According to PwC report from April last year, the Polish aviation market has one of the biggest growth potentials in the whole Europe, and the construction of a hub near Warsaw is justified by, among others, traffic forecasts and the assumed rate of return. According to a report by Baker McKenzie and Polityka Insight from May last year, the STH may bring Poland between 4% and 7% of GDP growth.