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CPK to conduct market consultations with the Into-Plane (ITP) industry 

Centralny Port Komunikacyjny (CPK) will conduct market consultations for companies in the Into-Plane (ITP) sector, focusing on direct aircraft refuelling. These discussions aim to provide the company with recommendations and facilitate the development of optimal design solutions for the planned airport technical infrastructure. Interested companies can submit their applications until mid-February 2025.

CPK invites companies interested in performing ITP operations at the CPK airport and leasing relevant infrastructure to participate in the consultations. The discussions will enable the company to: 

  • Gain insights into best practices for managing the planned technical infrastructure, 
  • Define its requirements and assess how these could be met by potential operators, and 
  • Update its specialist knowledge of ITP, supporting the preparation of advantageous design solutions for CPK airport. 

Companies wishing to take part in the consultations should submit their applications by 14 February 2025 to the company’s email address at [email protected]. Participation declarations must include: 

  • Details of the entity (address, registration data); 
  • Documented experience in providing ground handling services for aircraft within the ITP scope, including: 
    • A valid AHAC certificate; 
    • Permission from the relevant national authority to provide ground handling services (specifically Jet A-1 aircraft refuelling); or 
    • Evidence of at least three years of experience in the past decade at an airport handling at least 8 million passengers annually; 
  • Documents confirming authorisation to sign the declaration on behalf of the entity (e.g., extract from the commercial register, power of attorney). 

Following verification of the applications, CPK will invite selected companies to participate in discussions. The consultations will take place both online and through questionnaires, covering strategic, operational, technical, business, and environmental aspects. This approach will enable CPK to optimally design its technical infrastructure and develop an efficient cooperation model with ITP operators. 

The consultations are scheduled to commence in March 2025. Each participant will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), ensuring the security of information exchange during the consultation process. 

It is important to note that these market consultations are not part of the process for selecting ground handling agents and do not preclude future opportunities for ITP operations at CPK airport. Non-participation in the consultations will not affect an entity’s ability to operate at CPK in the future. The company remains open to collaboration with firms not involved in the consultations. 

All costs related to preparing and submitting declarations, as well as participating in the consultations, must be borne by the interested parties. 

