Construction works at the airport. CPK invites contractors to participate in market consultations
Centralny Port Komunikacyjny sp. z o.o. already has contractors for the preparatory work at the airport site. Now it is launching a preliminary market consultation regarding the actual construction works. CPK is waiting for applications from contractors until 13 February
Preliminary market consultation (PMC) is a partnership dialogue between the investor and the contracting industry that precedes the tenders, contracts and the actual construction works. Its aim is to analyse the market potential, check interest in task orders under the formula assumed by the investor and gather the best practices related to the implementation of works. It is also about obtaining information that can improve tendering, contributing to the definition of optimum tender evaluation criteria, contract scopes and terms and conditions, as well as rules for the bundling of orders and the distribution of risk between the investor and contractors.
During the consultations, we want to work with potential contractors to develop the implementation and contractual standards which will be applied during the actual construction of the new airport. We are also keeping an eye on the implementation solutions and technological innovations used in megaprojects abroad. The best of these will be applied to our project,

The consultations are addressed to the largest Polish and foreign construction companies and representatives of the specialised airport solutions industry. During the discussions, the contractors will be divided into groups of future implementation packages. CPK wants to hold discussions with the potential general contractors as well as subcontractors and suppliers of advanced technologies.
The deadline for submitting applications for participation in the PMC is 13 February at 12.00. Consultations will be conducted in Polish and English. Detailed information can be found on the online platform, SmatPZP.
Last year, CPK moved from planning to design, signing contracts with four design offices and consortia. The multi-discipline documentation developed by them forms one coherent design for the entire investment. For the airport alone, about 60,000 drawings will be created and incorporated into the digital design environment.
The British consortium Foster + Partners and Buro Happold became the Master Architect, the designer of the passenger terminal, railway station, interchange and baggage handling system. The Lebanese office Dar Al-Handasah Consultants is responsible for preparing the design documentation for runways, taxiways and aprons. The designs of the supporting facilities, such as the air traffic control tower, operations centre, aircraft maintenance base, etc., may be commissioned to a total of 13 contractors, including Polish ones, with whom CPK has signed a framework agreement. In turn, Spanish IDOM became the airport systems integration designer.
This year, the first preparatory construction works should start at the site of the future airport, an area consistently acquired by CPK through the Voluntary Acquisition Programme. This involves demolition, felling, land levelling, construction of temporary structures and other works that do not require building plans and specifications. For these works, CPK signed a framework agreement with eight contractors last year, including: Budimex, Doraco, Mostostal Warszawa, NDI, Polimex Infrastruktura, PORR, Strabag and Trakcja.