Wersja językowa

Michał Wolański

Michał Wolański

Dr. hab. Michał Wolański, Professor at SGH – a habilitated Doctor of Social Sciences in the field of economics and finance, and a professor at the Warsaw School of Economics in the Institute of Infrastructure, Transport, and Mobility. He has been a scholar at the University of Leeds (Institute for Transport Studies) and the University of Sydney (Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies), both leading global centers in transport economics. He is also a consultant for the World Bank.

His research focuses on the impact of transport investments on sustainable development. He is an expert in transport economics, regional development, sustainable mobility, and EU funding. He has led and co-authored over twenty studies on the effects of infrastructure investments on Poland’s transport system and economy, as well as several court opinions on financial risk in construction. He has created and directed seven editions of postgraduate programs in railway and bus transport management. An entrepreneur, he co-founded a startup and established a consulting firm. He also participates in international research projects related to mobility.