In view of the entry into force of the Fourth Railway Package and the increasingly widespread competition on the tracks in Europe for long-distance services, it is essential that the potential offer of open-access operators is taken into account during the study process preceding the construction of high-speed lines. In the case of the CPK Railway Programme, too, the creation of a framework for such an offer and its inclusion in traffic forecasts made on the basis of the Passenger Transport Model and in operational analyses made in the Microsimulation Rail Traffic Model should be a natural part of the process enabling optimal adjustment of infrastructure capacity to the expected train traffic. The following study is the beginning of the development of such an offer, and also contains a series of information on business practices in various countries, knowledge of which is important for the forward-looking shaping of the rail services within the framework of the Horizontal Timetable project.
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- When referring to information and materials contained in files made available via this website, their source should be indicated, e.g. in the following way: “Analysis of the transport offer of operators providing transport on the basis of “open access” in selected European countries along with the estimation of their potential offer in Poland”, prepared by Centralny Port Komunikacyjny sp. z o.o.
- The information and materials contained in the files made available via this website are for illustrative purposes only. Central Communication Port sp. z o.o. is not responsible for the information and materials contained in files made available through this website.