Wersja językowa

Patryk Felmet

To date, Patryk Felmet has been dealing with marketing, among others, of Port of Gdańsk, where he was responsible for promoting the image of the Port and its counterparties on the international scene. He opened the first commercial office in the history of Polish ports on another continent – in Asia, he cooperated with representatives of the transport industry from, among others, Africa, Western Europe or both Americas.

Later, as the head of Lotos Group marketing, one of the largest advertisers in Poland, he managed multi-million advertising and sponsorship budgets. He was responsible not only for the implementation of the marketing strategy or image-focused campaigns, but also for intense support, among others, for sales in the Lotos stations during the pandemic and extensive CSR activities. One of the first tasks at the new position will be no other than the implementation of a social action plan which will strengthen the relationship between CPK and residents.

Patryk Felmet is a graduate of, among others, the international programme of The Chartered Institute of Marketing and London School of Public Relations. He holds a diploma of Executive MBA, studies conducted by the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

At the CPK Company he supervises the offices dealing with real estate management, relations with the investment environment, communication and marketing.

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